Monthly Archives: June 2021

Vegetable Garden Tips

Quick vegetable garden tips for June:

If you haven’t planted warm-weather veggies and fruits such as tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash and blueberries, there is still time!

For those empty spots in the garden plant warm-weather herbs like basil, chives, thyme and rosemary. Not only can you use them in drinks but they are great for grilling too! Did you know that planting basil by your other veggies will keep bugs away?

Harvest early-season staples like strawberries, lettuce greens, radishes and peas as they ripen, leaving them on the plant can signal them to stop producing.

Harvest herbs before they flower, they’ll taste better. Prevent Basil and other herbs from flowering by trimming frequently and keeping them on the cooler side by watering or providing shade.

Keep your tomatoes tied up to stakes or place tomato cages over them so they do not spill on to your other vegetables. Try collapsible cages that make storage easier.

In the summer providing your tomatoes with deep and consistent watering (once a week)  will produce the best tomato.

Watch out for pesky bugs in the garden, the sooner you catch them the easier it is to get rid of them.

Fertilize the garden with tomato tone every 3 weeks during June, July and August.