Lawn Care Guide

Focus on Lawn Care

April is an ideal time to give your lawn some much-needed attention after the winter months. Begin by raking away any remaining debris, such as leaves and twigs, to allow for better air circulation and prevent the growth of mold and fungus. Consider aerating your lawn to alleviate soil compaction and promote healthy root growth. If necessary, overseed bare or thin patches with a high-quality grass seed (Jonathan Green) variety and top-dress with a thin layer of compost to encourage germination. Finally, apply a professional grade fertilizer fo

Lawn Seeding:

April presents an excellent opportunity to seed or overseed your lawn to fill in bare patches, improve density, and enhance overall health. Before seeding, prepare the soil by raking away debris and loosening the top layer to create a suitable seedbed. Select a high-quality grass seed blend that matches your region and soil conditions, ensuring it contains varieties suitable for your lawn’s sun exposure and traffic levels. Spread the seed evenly over the prepared area using a broadcast spreader, then lightly rake the soil to cover the seeds and ensure good seed-to-soil contact. Water the newly seeded area regularly to keep the soil moist until the grass seedlings establish themselves and begin to grow.

Lawn Fertilization:

Proper fertilization is essential for maintaining a lush, healthy lawn throughout the growing season. In April, apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer specifically formulated for lawns to provide essential nutrients and support vigorous growth. Look for a fertilizer with a nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (N-P-K) ratio tailored to your lawn’s needs, typically indicated on the product packaging. Apply the fertilizer evenly using a broadcast or drop spreader, following the manufacturer’s recommended application rates and timing. Water the lawn thoroughly after fertilization to help activate the nutrients and promote uptake by the grass roots. Formulated for lawns to provide essential nutrients and support lush green growth.

Apply Preemergent:

To prevent the germination of weed seeds and reduce weed pressure in your lawn, consider applying a preemergent herbicide in early April. Preemergent herbicides form a barrier in the soil that inhibits the growth of weed seedlings, effectively preventing them from sprouting and establishing themselves in your lawn. Apply the herbicide evenly using a broadcast spreader, following the manufacturer’s recommended application rates and timing. Water the lawn lightly after application to activate the herbicide and ensure proper distribution.

By incorporating these April gardening tasks into your lawn care routine, you’ll set the stage for a healthy, vibrant lawn that enhances the beauty and enjoyment of your outdoor space throughout the spring and beyond. Embrace the opportunity to nurture your lawn and garden, and reap the rewards of your efforts as you create a landscape that thrives in the warm embrace of spring.