Hello November

While the season may feel like its winding down there are plenty of fun outdoor & indoor gardening activities. Here are some of our top recommended gardening tips for the month of November.

1. Transplant Cool-Season Flowering Plants

Remember those Mums and Asters you bought earlier in the fall? If you didn’t already plant them in the ground. consider finding them a spot in a garden bed. This way the protection and warmth from the ground will give them a great chance of over-wintering. Want to give them the extra Loving care they deserve? When you dig the planting hole make it twice as wide as the rootball and mix in BumperCrop Compost around the plants new root zone. Bumper Crop will give the plant all the nutrients it needs to grow big and strong. Add a “Blanket” over your newly planted mums, they prefer 3″ of pine fine mulch right over top of their roots.

2. Late-Season Plantings

Don’t forget to take advantage of the best planting season of all; FALL! Plants love being planted in fall, since the soil still has warmth which allows their new roots to grow! Remember as long as you can dig in the soil, you can plant perennials, trees and shrubs. Garlic is a great crop to plant in November for a large June harvest!

3.Complete the last Fall Harvest

November signals the end of Fall vegetable crops. Watch the weather and harvest those last

few veggies! Typically Kale, Char, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, & Parsnips will handle a frost or two, but get these harvests in before the deep cold comes! (it can sneak up on us)

Don’t forget to harvest those last apples that are hanging off the tree! Don’t have an apple tree yet? Plant one this fall -it’s not too late- it’s actually the preferred time by horticulturists.

4. Fall Clean Up

After several frost have occurred, cut back any perennials that may have had diseases this season. This will help prevent bacteria and fungus from over wintering in your garden. Be sure not to compost those leaves (burn or trash them). Prune limbs that are damaged or crossing but don’t be overzealous by shearing the whole plant. It can cause winter damage.  Clean up old annuals that won’t return in spring. If you don’t want volunteer plants make sure to clean up old fruits and flowers or they may seeds my take off next spring.

5. Plant Amaryllis & Paperwhite Bulbs

These gorgeous flowers add cheerful color during the holidays, adding to your stylish home decor. They also make great gifts, especially if you need a last minute hostess gift! Place a few around your home, you will feel like you took home the florist’s shop, on a budget!


6. Weed & Mulch Flower Beds

By getting those weeds out, you’ll get a jump start on spring cleaning and their roots will be smaller and easier to pull. Top the beds with 2- 3 inches of pine mulch, to keep your plants warm all winter long. Pine mulch is the best for plant and soil health because as it breaks down it releases nutrients.

7. Winterize Birdbaths, Fountains and Irrigation systems

These gorgeous flowers add cheerful color during the holidays, adding to your stylish home decor. They also make great gifts, especially if you need a last minute hostess gift! Place a few around your home, you will feel like you took home the florist’s shop, on a budget!